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Two Dentists performing dental surgeryNo matter how nice your dentist near Miami may be as a person, severe anxiety can make it extremely difficult to undergo any kind of dental procedure; even visiting your dental office for a routine cleaning might get your nerves going. If the thought of a root canal sends shivers down your spine, you might be a candidate for sedation dentistry. In addition to relieving anxiety, this type of dentistry allows you to undergo several procedures in one sitting. Read on for a brief overview of some of the many benefits of sedation dentistry.

Relieves Anxiety

Anxiety plagues countless people every day, preventing them from engaging in normal activities like speaking in public or boarding a plane. Unfortunately, this anxiety can also make it difficult for sufferers to take care of their teeth. Sedation dentistry is invaluably beneficial to these people because it allows them to practice proper dental hygiene, enjoy excellent oral health, and undergo restorations when necessary. Your dentist can sedate you to your desired level so that you can sit through any kind of procedure. He or she can also monitor and adjust your level of sedation to meet your needs throughout the treatment, keeping you completely comfortable the entire time.

Allows for Multiple Treatments

In addition to helping people with general and dental anxiety, sedation dentistry is also beneficial for those who have particularly busy schedules. Some people neglect their oral health because they are forced to prioritize other aspects of their lives first. If this sounds like your situation, consider talking to your dentist about sedation dentistry. A sedated patient may feel perfectly comfortable going through several treatments during one sitting, presenting the perfect opportunity to get everything you need out of the way at once.

Offers Numerous Options

If you are wondering how sedation dentistry can help if you have a fear of needles, you will be happy to learn about the range of ways that sedatives can be administered. Many dentists offer several different options. Common sedation methods include nitrous oxide, which is inhaled, as well as oral sedation, which simply consists of a pill.

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